Letošnji mednarodni lesni sejem v Celovcu je odpovedan s strani organizatorja in prestavljen na leto 2022 ter s tem tudi B2B dogodek, ki je bil planiran z avstrijskimi podjetji
Obvestilo Celovškega sejma:
“Internationale Holzmesse / Holz & bau/Treffpunkt Jagd” postponed to 2022
The trade fair duo “Internationale Holzmesse / Holz & Bau” has been postponed and will take place from 31.8. until September 3rd, 2022 in Klagenfurt. Crucial for the decision are the current travel regulations, which represent an insurmountable hurdle for many foreign exhibitors and visitors.
A unique selling point of the “International Wood & Construction Fair” is the geographical focus on Central and Southeastern Europe. Many exhibitors traditionally use the trade fair as a hub for the Balkans. “Important visitor target markets such as Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Hungary are practically sealed off from Austria. For many foreign trade exhibitors, too, it is more or less impossible to exhibit in Klagenfurt, ”said Exhibition Director Bernhard Erler, explaining the main reason for relocating the exhibition. The decision to move the trade fair was made in close coordination with important strategic partners and leading exhibitors.
The next “Internationale Holzmesse/Holz & Bau” will take place from August 31. until September 3rd, 2022 in Klagenfurt.
Več informacij: OZS